

What is the role of the basename command in shell scripting?

答案1·阅读 12·8月14日 17:15

How can you assess Memory stats and CPU stats ?

答案1·阅读 30·8月14日 17:18

How do you create a backup of a directory in shell scripting?

答案1·阅读 13·8月14日 17:16

How to obtain the number of CPUs/cores in Linux from the command line?

答案1·阅读 13·8月14日 18:18

How do you list files with a specific extension in a directory using shell commands?

答案1·阅读 15·8月14日 17:15

What is the ps command in Linux? How can you display a hierarchical view of processes using the ps command?

答案1·阅读 10·8月14日 13:03

How to analyze and optimize the boot process of linux system?

答案1·阅读 9·8月14日 13:05

How to find the top 10 files and directories on a linux system?

答案1·阅读 9·8月14日 13:05

How do you use the awk command to extract specific fields from text data?

答案1·阅读 25·8月14日 17:15

How to enable ACLs for the /home partition?

答案1·阅读 7·8月14日 13:05

How to search and replace using grep

答案1·阅读 14·8月14日 18:22

What is the difference between a local and global variable in a shell script?

答案1·阅读 12·8月14日 17:09

What is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic link?

答案1·阅读 16·8月14日 17:07

How can you pass arguments to a shell function?

答案1·阅读 15·8月14日 17:04

Differentiate between BASH and DOS?

答案1·阅读 15·8月14日 13:04

How to change the output color of echo in Linux

答案1·阅读 13·8月14日 17:20

What are the different modes of Network bonding in Linux?

答案1·阅读 9·8月14日 13:03

What is the difference between ext2 and ext3 file systems?

答案1·阅读 22·8月14日 13:04

How do you read lines from a file in a shell script?

答案1·阅读 11·8月14日 17:10

How do you check if a process is running in shell scripting?

答案1·阅读 10·8月14日 17:10